“By reawakening thousands and thousands of otherwise ordinarily dormant muscle cells, Contrology (Pilates) correspondingly reawakens thousands and thousands of dormant brain cells, thus activating new areas and stimulating further the functioning of the mind.” -Joseph Pilates

Pilates (pronounced puh-lah-teez and not pie-lates).

The Pilates Method elongates and strengthens, improving muscle elasticity and joint mobility. The practice of Pilates helps to create a deep dialogue between body and mind building a system of neuromuscular patterns that facilitate an attention to postural alignment as well as core and breath support. Control of the core is achieved by integrating the trunk, pelvis and shoulder girdle.  By emphasizing correct spinal and pelvic alignment, concentration on smooth, flowing movement, Pilates helps to economize exertion and correct structural imbalances.  The quality of movement is valued over quantity of repetitions and proper breathing helps you execute movements with equal power and efficiency.  Pilates accommodates all types of trainers from beginners to athletes in regards to injury prevention and rehabilitation.

Benefits Include:

Longer, leaner muscles & flexibility

Mind-body workout

Develops a strong core – pelvic floor, abdominals, & deep back muscles

Creates evenly conditioned body

Greater range of motion

Better coordination

Better balance

Increases breath capacity & ability to match movement exertion

Reduces stress by working in the present moment with mind & body

Improves sports performance

Prevents injuries

Promotes spinal longevity

Joe Pilates

“His vision was that a systematic, disciplined approach to physical and mental mastery would raise the individual to a place of higher personal awareness, and would positively impact the world by eliminating human suffering and reducing the need for hospitals, sanitariums, mental institutions, and even prisons.” PMA  Pilates Method Alliance

Why I love Pilates

Pilates has a great combination of  simple essential exercises for connecting my mind/body and bringing me directly into my core.  From my core I am able to organize my body from a very focused place to expand out into my extremities and move as a coherent whole while simultaneously aware of the individual elements.  I originally discovered Pilates after a dance injury when I was 15 years old.  Pilates had everything I needed to overcome what was going on and teach me how to truly be strong and centred. The energy I felt after my session was always empowering and kept me looking forward to new challenges.  It was an obvious fit with the dancer in me, accustomed to flow, complex movement, balance and breath.  Pilates put these things in perspective for me.  

After having a go at professional dance and continually getting injured, I realized the need to keep Pilates in my life.  I committed to taking my teacher training and delving deeper into Pilates and exploring it as a movement practice for uniting body and mind.  My teacher always said “Pilates keeps us humble”, and I believe this to be true because when you get down to the core essence of the work and of your body to truly do the work, there is no faking it!  There is always so much to work on in ourselves and Pilates has been a mode for guiding this essential work.

I love seeing people become consciously aware of themselves and excited when they activate their core.  There is something for everyone.  Mr. Pilates himself believed that his exercises should be taught to children and be included in school curriculum.  We are perhaps still a ways from that, however the idea of a mindful coherent whole body and strong powerhouse or core was his vision of lasting health, optimal function and longevity.

Mat Pilates

“One of the major results of Contrology is gaining the mastery of your mind over the complete control of your body.” -Joseph Pilates